Thursday, March 17, 2011

WeLcOmE - Grade 3's

Welcome class and parents, on this page you will find activities which are fun and resources relating to our math and science classes.  Feel free to browse around. All comments are welcome.

I will be posting updates on a regular basis.

Please come again and enjoy some higher learning.


Mr. Toledo

By the way, do you see the little fish on the top of the page?  Please feed them for me when you visit.  All you have to do is click anywhere on the white space with your mouse and you will drop flakes for them.  Thanks again.


It's me again.  I wanted to make life easier for some of you by posting up some resources that may help you with your school work. If you ever need help with spelling a particular word, you can check it in a DICTIONARY.  If you would like some more information on a certain topic, then all you have to do is type it into GOOGLE.  If you want to know what the weather is going to be like so you know how to dress for school then please click on WEATHER.  So please click on the capitalized words (DICTIONARY, GOOGLE or WEATHER) to go to that webpage.  If you would like me to include more pages that will be easier for you to find, then please leave a comment and I will try my best to add it to this post.

The world is at your finger tips!!!


St. Patrick's Day.

Hello Class, St. Patrick's Day is here.  I found a site that has some games relating to St. Patrick's Day.  Please click HERE to enjoy one of many games that can be played after you have completed your homework (of course).

Do you like puzzles?  Click PUZZLE to test your skills.  Or, if you like colouring, then please click on COLOURING to find some printable pictures waiting for you to add colour to them.

Have fun!!!!


Hello class and parents, do you want to know what's next on our science Agenda?  That's right, we're going to be looking at STRUCTURES.

What are some structures that we see everyday?

One example that we will be looking at into more detail are...


For the parents, in the grade 3 Science and Technology curriculum document on page 73, it gives an overview on understanding structures and mechanism.

CLASS...what do you think we will be doing next Tuesday?  You will be put into groups and you will be constructing your own bridge.  You will be trying your best to make a bridge that will be able to hold 6 water bottles.  Are you excited yet? I am. 

Video on Constructing Bridges

Do you want to get some ideas on how to make a strong bridge?  Please take a look at this video

*Please wait a while for the video to load.  After you have waited at  least 1-2 minutes, then press the triangle button on the bottom left corner.  If you are still having problems viewing the video, please use Internet Explorer as your web browser.  Thank You


What fun topic are we going to be looking at next in Math?  We are going to be looking at measurement.  Some activities that we will be doing in class is guessing/estimating how tall you are and how tall your classmates are.  Who do you think is the tallest person in the class?  Post it as a comment and we'll find out.

We will also be looking at temperature and we will be guessing how hot/cold it is outside.  Do you remember that link that I posted earlier about the weather?  You can always click on that link to find out the temperature outside.  

Sometimes the temperature may be reported in Fahrenheit, if you want to convert it into Celsius, please click on this temperature converter. 

For the parents, in the grade 3 math curriculum document on page 57, it gives you an overview on measurement and the overall and specific expectations.  Please take a look so that you can get an idea on what are some topics that we will be looking at.

Math Worksheets

Hello class, would you like some extra worksheets to help you with measurement?

Here are some printable worksheets that will help you with measuring.

Measuring Activity 1
Measuring Activity 2
Measuring Activity 3